Monday, October 5, 2015

Module 3: Screencasting

From this class, I am learning about so many different technologies that I could use in the classroom.  One of these applications that I can use on my desktop to help me teach is this idea of screencasting.  In screencasting, you can explain how to do something on your desktop and SHOW others how to do something.  It is very simple to do, and it makes learning an online tool much easier to understand.  In this way, if I need to use a certain application in the future, I could refer to a screencast for beneficial guidance.

For my screencast, I chose to explain how to use the online tool, Evernote.  Evernote is an educational, online tool where someone can take notes and keep them organized so that there is easy access.  I actually use Evernote all the time now.  It makes it easier for me to keep all my notes together for all my different classes, and because I constantly use my laptop, they are always there.  Another benefit is that if something happens to my computer, I could easily log onto a different computer and be able to access these notes there.

To create this screencast, I used the tool  The other option that I could have used was Jing, but for some reason, it was not compatible with my laptop.  It was very simple to use, because it was not necessary to download the application onto your laptop.  You simply go to the site, choose to open the application, and you're free to use it!  One thing that I liked about my screencasting tool was that if I messed up on a part, instead of restarting from the beginning, I could just restart from a certain point.  Also, it let me upload directly to YouTube.

Coming up with a script for my screencast was not too difficult, because I had started using this tool very recently, and I knew what I was doing.  The most difficult part of this screencast was looking into how this online tool could be used for special education.  It took much research, but I was able to find some helpful information, and I put it into my screencast.  Even if an online tool doesn't seem like it will benefit special needs kids, I believe that most, if not all tools have some aspect to it that makes it easier for special needs kids.  My feature that I discovered on Evernote was the audio function.  You can record lessons or notes, and play them back later.  It is very useful for kids with learning disabilities who may struggle with understanding things right away or may need more clarification.

In the future, when I become a teacher, I can see myself using Evernote as well as Screencast-o-matic.  I found it a great tool for not only students to use, but also for teachers and special needs students.

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent description of your experiences in screencasting. Also keep in mind that one of the best uses of screencasting in education is having the students create their own.
