Sunday, September 6, 2015

Module 1: Conquering the Jigsaw Method

After my first full week of classes as a college sophomore, I feel as if I have been learning so much, yet I am fully aware that there is so much more to learn.  This past week in class, we have been learning about the Jigsaw Method.  Basically, the Jigsaw Method involves different groups of people, each learning a specific subject, and they each teach their particular subject to the rest of the group.  The purpose of this method is that each person will have a knowledge of all the subjects in the hopes of learning more efficiently, like putting all the pieces of a puzzle together to reach a higher goal.

In our class, our different groups had to learn how to operate programs that we could potentially use for teaching our future students.  I had to learn how to use the program, GoAnimate. is a site where you can customize a scene, customize characters, record your voice, and create a story that way.  It is fairly simple to use, and it makes teaching interesting and fun.

It took me around 15 or so minutes to learn how to use the site, but making the videos took a lot of time and effort.  Teaching this program to my classmates was good, because I knew what I was talking about and would be able to teach them effectively.  I found this method very helpful, because it was easy for me to learn the other programs that my classmates were teaching me.

The other programs that I had the opportunity to learn were VoiceThread, Animoto, and Pixton.  VoiceThread is site where you can make a "powerpoint" presentation, and others have the ability to add comments by video, voice, or by text on pictures or videos.  This program is very efficient for group projects or discussion.  Animoto involves picking a template and adding photos or text to make a unique presentation.  You are also able to add music to make your presentation more inviting.  I actually used what I learned about Animoto to make my second introductory video.  Once I learned how to use the program in class, it made making this presentation much easier, and I can honestly say that I am happy at how my presentation turned out.  The other program, Pixton, involved making customized comics to teach others.  Also, students are able to use Pixton for their own projects.

Overall, I feel like I have an equal understanding of all four programs that I had to learn.  The Jigsaw Method proved very efficient and useful, and it will be much more helpful when I enter the classroom as a teacher.  Not only will students be able to learn by themselves, but it will challenge them to learn from and listen to others.  Even if a student is not particularly fond of another student, in order to learn that specific subject, they must listen carefully and intentionally.  This method is a tool that both students and teachers alike can conquer, and the results are a finished puzzle--all the pieces are finally put together to accomplish the purpose.


  1. Great job of describing your own experiences in using this method and in pointing out its benefits. The screenshot is also a nice touch.

  2. Great job of describing your own experiences in using this method and in pointing out its benefits. The screenshot is also a nice touch.
